Laugh, Cry, Think, Grow, Experience
Laugh, Cry, Think, Grow, Experience
At age six I noticed my Mom was singing a different part from everyone else in church. It was glorious alto, a harmony part. She invited me to sing along with her. From that moment on a mysterious spark set afire my love for music. Choirs, band, rock bands, very musical friends and a degree in music from Samford University set me on a course to play, sing, and write music. Still today I find no better outlet of expression than music. For me, music is a little slice of Heaven we get to experience now.
In my High School yearbook, my friends wrote comments thanking me for being a good listener. That's really the secrete to being a good counselor. Not giving advice, not having all the answers, just letting people be heard, that's the key. I sought out a pastoral counseling degree then a masters from The University of Montevallo. This led to over 10,000 hours of group counseling and about as may individual sessions. I've come to realize that hurt people hurt people but healed people heal people. I'm receiving healing still and sharing it with others.
Writing helps me first, then it helps others. I put my thoughts and feelings on paper, dig for truth, then make logical problem-solving conclusions. Some ideas turn into songs. I call myself an experiential Christ follower. My goal is to walk in the light God gives me. I believe growth involves change, as God shines new light on our darkness. Many of my song come out of profound moments when I realized I was wrong, blind and unaware. My friend Jeff calls those God moments. You can God moments too. Be a seeker.
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