This song pokes fun at the ridiculous notion that being a Christian is simply following a few rituals such as attending church. Where did I get all these silly ideas? I've heard them over and over from those outside the Christian faith, but more frighteningly, from some who claim to be followers of Jesus.
I personally prefer to call myself a follower of Christ rather than a Christian, because the word Christian has so much baggage attached to it. On one hand, I understand the conclusions people outside the faith might come to as they try to comprehend Christianity. They most likely would notice people streaming in and out of churches on Sunday. Most Christians talk about prayer and reading the Bible. So one might conclude that if you attend church, pray, and read the Bible, you can join the "club" and identify as a Christian. But you would be dead wrong if you believe that.
Let me point out a few truths.
Jesus said, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him." John 6:44
Whoa, What? You can't just decide on your own to join the fold? Let me explain. Following Christ is a spiritual experience. You are stepping into the Kingdom of God, an invisible yet eternal Kingdom that will continue after the brick and mortar kingdom of this world is gone. Fortunately, God is drawing everyone to Himself. Many are not aware of this drawing. Some might even be aware of it, yet choose to ignore Him. John 3:16-17 suggests that God wants everyone to experience eternal life.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him." John 3:16-17 ESV
You may mistake His drawing for your own idea. You might say, "I decided to join the church today," but that wouldn't really be accurate. If you do come to Jesus, it was far more than just following through with a good idea. It was because the "Hound of Heaven", God's Holy Spirit, was drawing you to him. The important issue is that you respond to this drawing by laying down your own life, and choosing to follow Jesus. When we give our entire lives to Christ, we are promised that we become new creations "in Christ."
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Cor. 5:17
I hope you can see the world of difference between making a choice to join a club called "the church", and being miraculously transformed into a new person through this amazing and mysterious salvation experience.
A living, breathing relationship with the creator of the universe through his son Jesus, His Holy Spirit living in us and guiding us, acknowledging our sin and turning from our old ways of life as He reveals His plan -- well, that's a lot different than giving God an hour per week to attend church, all the while believing that is all it takes to be a Christian.
So now you know the story behind the song. Enjoy.
I’m punching my God card when I go to church
I’m punching my God card. I really hope this works
I’ve been told if I wanna go to heaven when I die
I’ve gotta go to church on Sunday
To prove my heart is right
I’ll listen to the preacher and take the notes that he provides
Put some money in the offering plate, and wipe a teardrop from my eye
I’ll even clap on a song or two to show God that I care
I’ll take my place with the Chosen Frozen, Then I’m outta there
I’m punching my God card when I go to church
I’m punching my God card. I really hope this works
I’ve been told if I wanna go to heaven when I die
I’ve gotta go to church on Sunday
To prove my heart is right
I’ll sit quietly in my favorite pew, and learn to live the Christian life
And try not to think about the fight I had last night with my wife
Nothing is required of me but to sit here like a knot
Then no one knows that my mind goes wandering quite a lot
But I’m punching my God card, It’s a crying shame
I’m punching my God card. It's nothing but a game
It makes me feel a little better about being in the dark
I’m so confused. What can I do with my empty hardened heart?
Won’t you tell me what to do with my stubborn, calloused, hardened heart?
And That's the story behind the song.
Play Punching My God Card
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